
As you might have guessed, we are home and back into a busy “routine.” No two weeks are ever the same, so I have a hard time using the word “routine.”

Small group is in full swing; we have 9 couples, including ourselves, and we are just loving time together every week. It’s like a big family where all your brothers and sisters are in the same place in life as you. God definitely hand-picked our group, and we couldn’t be more grateful. The book we are going through is called Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas. It’s about changing your perspective and seeing marriage as a tool to get closer to God. If you are married and you haven’t read it, you should. It’s basically awesome.

The chapter we are covering this week is about prayer. Coincidentally (ha! like there’s coincidence with God), Marco’s J-Men group covered prayer as well last night. When we were talking after he got home, he said something that really struck me. The speaker they had last night told a story about his 16-month old grandson. He said that the kid is either sleeping, or running hard-core all the time. He tries to hold him, and he can’t because the baby is just wiggling and wants to be busy, on the move. The speaker said, “I would just love it, if for only five minutes, he would be still and just let me hold him and love on him.” Wow. How often is this the case between us and God?

In our busy lives, prayer or quiet time with God is usually an afterthought. It’s something we “have” to do before we go to sleep at night, or something we “need” to do when we are in a hard situation. But taking separate time out of the day to just sit, and be still with God is nearly a foreign idea in this culture. All he wants is just a few minutes where we aren’t doing anything else, but being with Him. Soaking in His presence. Letting Him hold us.

I was challenged by this. I want that, so much, to be a part of my day. How would my life be different if I had been doing this all along? I just wanted to share this because I think it is something that resonates within every person.

It is not possible for another human to reach and alleviate the spiritual ache that God has placed in all of us. -Sacred Marriage