Day 17 // From Operating Room to Baggage Claim

After staying up late packing, we had to wake up at 6am on our last day, because that was the day that Marco’s dad was taking me to surgery with him. He is an internal medicine surgeon, and does everything from abdominal surgery to thyroid removal. It hadn’t worked out for me to go until our very last day. We had to be at the airport at 11am.

We got up and headed to the hospital. Marco dropped me off and then went back to the house to finish the last minute packing (ya know, that you can’t do until you are actually leaving). This was unlike any hospital I had ever seen. I felt like I stepped into a time machine when I walked through the front door. Earlier on this blog, I posted a picture of a big, blue, shining hospital building – that is not where I went. I went to another one, in another part of town. First of all, it was open-air on the inside. There was a big courtyard with trees growing in the middle. Second, everything in it was about 50-60 years old. Think, World War II – the beds, the equipment, the chairs, the floors. It was all so old. I didn’t know what to expect, but I certainly didn’t expect that. I went with Marco’s dad as he went to check on each of his patients before preparing for surgery.

After changing into scrubs, we went to the area where the operating rooms were. There were four of them, and two were being used. In the first one, there was a thyroid patient who had a benign tumor that was going to be removed. In the second, there was an inguinal hernia that needed to be removed. Right before we scrubbed in, Marco’s dad told me that I would be helping with the surgery; he was going to ask me to cut and things like that. Now, as a nurse, the patients I have are either medically sick, or are waiting for surgery or returning from surgery. The only times I have ever been in the operating room was in high school, I observed a partial mastectomy, and as a student nurse observing a heart surgery and a C-Section. Never have I ever had to actually touch the patient being operated on. Boy, was I excited!

We were going to the inguinal hernia first. The OR techs prepped the patient with the sterile drapes while we gowned and gloved. There I was, head-to-toe sterile and hot as anything with just an old wall unit for a/c. Marco’s dad has a third-year resident that does pretty much all of the surgeries while he guides and supervises her. She began to cut on the patient, and eventually they had me hold a trochar to help pull the skin back so they could see. Meanwhile, I was getting hotter and hotter. Suddenly, my ears started ringing, my vision got fuzzy and I said, “I need to sit.” Next thing I know someone guided me into a chair and I was sweating profusely from head to toe. How embarrassing. I nearly fainted onto the operating table. Needless to say, I didn’t really get to see the rest of that surgery.

Between surgeries, I was able to get a Coke and relax a little bit. I couldn’t believe I fainted. Blood and guts don’t bother me at all; but for whatever reason they did that day. After a few minutes, Marco’s dad came and got me for the next surgery. This one, I just watched. That was probably a good idea. ;-P It was the thyroid removal, and was really cool to see. I have a lot of thyroidectomy patients at work, so it was neat to see what they go through before I receive them on my floor.

Before it was over, however, I had to go change and Marco was going to pick me up so we could get to the airport on time. We boarded the plane at 2pm and soon we were on our way.

on the runway


Tired but happy!


Adios, Honduras!


We landed in Atlanta at exactly 6:28pm. We went through Customs and Immigration, got our bags, and soon we were met by my parents and on our way home. Jackson and Lola were already here to greet us! 🙂

We had a long, good trip. I learned so much not only about Honduras and the culture, but about Marco and his family. I look forward to the next trip! But for now I have a ton of pictures, a ton of memories, and a ton of unpacking to do!

Check Facebook for the rest of the pictures!

Day 15-16

A little resident of Santa Lucia

On day 15, we went to Santa Lucia to play basketball with Marco’s dad. He used to play semi-pro in Honduras when we was younger. He hadn’t touched a ball in 5 years, and he still beat both of us!

Basketball & tennis court

Rex and Kobi kept us company too. They are pretty awesome.



On the way home, we saw a motorcycle with FOUR people on it. Insane. You would never see that in the states.

There are actually 2 adults and 2 children on this motorcycle. Crazy.

The next day, day 16, was our last full day in Honduras. We spent the day running errands and getting some last minute things done before we had to pack everything up and head home. First Marco got his hair cut. A lot of the small businesses here, like salons, lock their door during business hours and just open it when a customer approaches.

Marco getting his hair cut

Later, on the way to the mall, I was able to catch a picture of some local policemen.

These are police. See the big guns?

Pretty much every policeman or security guard carried this size gun or larger. In general, the locals just avoid the police if at all possible because many of them are corrupt. With no real traffic laws, if someone got pulled over by a policeman they would just bargain with them and ask if they could just give the policeman the money for the ticket instead of going all the way across town to pay. Obviously, this is what happens much of the time.

Pit stop 🙂

Once at the mall, we just HAD to get some refreshments. 🙂

Loved, loved, loved Espresso Americano

After we got the few things we needed, we headed over to El Patio for dinner. Out of every place we ate, that was my favorite. I had the Conquistador (filet) again. Yum!


Limonada. Yummy!

Marco's meal. Pincho with pork, onions, carrots.

Last Dinner. At El Patio.

Dinner was scrumptious, of course. Then we went to say goodbye to Marco’s grandparents, and headed to pack our things after that. We were up til about 1am, and had an early morning the next day.


**UPDATED** Days 12-14, lots of pics!


There is a lot to tell about the last few days! It has been really hard to sit and upload the pics and update everyone because we have been so busy! I at least wanted to get the pictures up tonight. I am hoping to have wifi access tomorrow so i can better update about the events since we left Roatán. Enjoy the pictures!!


heading to karaoke our last night in Roatan


Enjoying Karaoke. The Mayan Princess has their own club right next door. It was pretty cool!


Playing Gin Rummy after karaoke 🙂


View from our porch 🙂


waiting to board the ferry back to La Ceiba


It was such a gorgeous day!


HUGE fire we passed on the drive back to Tegucigalpa


Coconut juice. Weird. Marco & his family loved it. Cost: $0.50


Roadside stand with a bajillion fruits and candies. And everything coconut.


Eating coconut "meat" - interesting...

We had a super long drive back to Tegucigalpa from La Ceiba. We were passing by the lake (Lake Yojoboa) around 10pm and needed to eat dinner. There was a little place called Las Marias #3 that we stopped to eat at. They had a huge freezer full of fish and we got to choose ours. These are tilapia from the lake. Probably the most delicious and fresh tasting tilapia I’ve ever had!


Fresh tilapia. Our dinner on the way back!



Once we got back (1am), we crashed. We were so sleepy and had travelled the entire day. The next morning, Marco, Maribel, and I went to this bakery about a block from Maribel’s house to get some breakfast. Every single bread I’ve had in Honduras is just amazing. Most are made to go with coffee. What more could this girl ask for??


Next morning. Yummy breakfast at a bakery (panederia) down the street.


Bread Heaven

Later that day we went to see Marco’s dad’s wood shop. He produces SUPER nice wood furniture, pictures, doors, etc. This stuff was seriously incredible.


Ornate, hand-carved woodwork at the wood shop. This is a door for a bathroom.

This particular door is all one piece.


Beautiful desk. Each little design detail was hand-cut and placed.


Wood shop worker prepping pieces.




Pigs! They were SO funny!

Marco’s dad has pigs and goats and dogs at the wood shop. The pigs were intended for Christmas dinner one year, but when it came down to it, he just couldn’t cook ’em and eat ’em. So now he has pigs! 🙂


Estrella (Star) and the goats were playing

The goats were intended to eat the grass so they wouldn’t have to worry about cutting. Now, those two goats eat everything else and poop all over the grass. HA! 😛


Part of the wood shop.


Marco's dad's office. These are pieces waiting for pick-up.


At dinner that night. Pretty.

The next day, we went to visit Tio Coki’s farm. This was a looong drive on very rough, mountainous roads. It took about an hour to get there. But when we arrived, it was so worth it.


Coki's farm. Incredible beauty.



Coki grows beans, mainly. He has a few small crops of plantains, cilantro, broccoli, cucumbers, and things like that. But he definitely has the most beans. All the rows of green in these pictures, are beans.


Seriously. Awesome.


All Coki's farm

The rows that are yellow at the bottom of the picture are beans that are ready to be harvested. The plant fully matures, then dies, and rests for 3 days. After the 3 days, the beans must be harvested BY HAND. He has only had this farm for about 4 months. Can you imagine all the hard work that has been done?!


Mountains everywhere


Farm property tour


La Toscana. Coki's farm.

Day 11 // more later!! ***updated!!!***

In the morning, we went on a caminata, or a walk, to see more of the island of Roatán. The whole thing was about a mile, and the girl in charge of guest relations at the hotel was our guide. She took us to a place called Keyhole Bay. There were huge cliffs of coral and a beautiful, unobstructed view of the Caribbean Sea. The water is crystal clear, like glass. You can see straight to the bottom most places that you look, even in deep water. After our walk, we went snorkeling and on a tour of the island.

All day long there are local islanders walking up and down the beach, trying to sell goods, tours, or service. Some perform for tips. Tourism is pretty much the only source of income for Roatán. If these people don’t sell, they don’t eat. This is a hard concept for most of us, since we have what we need.

We ended up purchasing the tour of the island and snorkling (2hrs total) for about $100 for 4 of us from a nice, honest local guy. We are working on putting together a video; we saw part of a dolphin show too. Marco got some really cool video with our underwater camera (BEST purchase for the trip!).

At the end of the day, we came back to relax at the awesome hotel pool. They have some iguanas that reside nearby, and we got some cool pictures of them, too.










The rest of Day 10

There are lots of pictures! After we ate lunch today, we took a quick nap then headed to the beach for the rest of the day. It is by far the most beautiful beach I’ve ever seen. Some highlights: our stay here at the Mayan Princess is all-inclusive, which means food and drinks to our hearts’ content (no hauling a cooler to the beach!) AND they have servers periodically come and ask you if you need anything. It’s awesome. Also, the water is super clear and Honduras is home to the second largest coral reef in the world. We walked down the beach about a half-mile from where we are staying and got to see a ton of fish and some coral. Today I fell in love with Roatán. We are hoping to maybe go out and see some more tomorrow morning.

The hotel had live music tonight by a local entertainer, so after dinner we sat and listened to him. Now we are hoping to get some good rest for a full day tomorrow! Waayyy too many hours with very little sleep. Goodnight!
















More Day 10 // Mayan Princess // picture post

More to come!

** Edit: We got to the port for the ferry to Roatán around 8:20am and waited to board until 9:30am. We didn’t actually leave port until almost 10:30am. The ride was fast and we were hitting tons of big waves. It took about an hour to arrive at Roatán’s port. We picked up our bags and found the bus driver to take us to the Mayan Princess. This is the nicest hotel in all of the island. We scored an awesome package deal that includes the ferry ride to and from, all meals and drinks, special club access and the actual hotel stay. When we arrived at the hotel (after what seemed like an eternity of driving), the staff had yummy juice drinks waiting to welcome us. I am blown away by the beauty not only of the island but of where we are staying. I am hoping to post some pictures of that tomorrow.**
















Day 9 & part of Day 10

The rest of yesterday was spent running errands to make sure we had everything we needed for the islands. We ended up leaving last night at 12 midnight. Marco drove us all through the night and we arrived in La Ceiba at 5:30am. After a short nap in the car, once the sun was up (~6:30am) we drove to the shore and took a walk by the sea. There was an old dock that some people were fishing on, and we went out on it too to see the view. Afterwards, we had the breakfast of champions at Burger King. 😉 We are now checked in and waiting to board the ferry to take us to Roatán. We are sleepy but super excited!!

Nos vemos pronto!!

Day 8 // Maribel’s Birthday

On Sundays, at Marco’s grandparents’ house, they have a big breakfast that everyone comes together to eat. They had tamales, platanos, beans, mantaquilla (super creamy butter), different cheeses, bread, eggs, bacon, coffee and juice. It was SO delicious!


For Maribel’s birthday, we went to a place called Ecos de la Montana (moan-tahn-yah) for a late lunch. It is on the way to La Tigre, so we had to ride some rough dirt roads to get there. But when we did, it was so worth it! It’s a beautiful hotel/resort and restaurant that had game fields (soccer, volleyball), horseback riding, and little bunnies you could hold. They also had a ping-pong table.

After we finished eating and playing games, we went to Marco’s cousin Vanessa’s house. We were supposed to cut the cake and sing happy birthday there, but we forgot to bring the cake when we left 😛 So we just visited for a while, and I was able to talk to my family on FaceTime because they had good WiFi there. It was the first time in a week I got to talk to them, and I had missed them so much!

Later, we headed back to Maribel’s house and sang happy birthday and had cake there. It was a caramel and chocolate cake from a place called Pan y Mas, and it was SUPER delicious!

Happy Birthday!

Today we are tidying up the loose ends for our trip to the Bay Islands! Roatan is one of the most beautiful places in the world, and I am so excited we are able to go! We have to leave tomorrow around 3am to drive to La Ceba to catch the ferry to the islands. This will definitely be a highlight of our trip!

**A note about ziplining: we were planning to go when we went to Valle de Angeles, but arrived pretty late in the afternoon and completely forgot about it! Hopefully we will have another chance later in the trip!**

Day 7 // Santa Lucia

We had planned to go to Tio Coki’s farm today, but we got a late start and just missed him. Instead, we went with Marco’s dad to Santa Lucia to see the pueblo. Remember, this is where Marco and his siblings grew up. Marco was 15 when they moved from Santa Lucia to Tegucigalpa because of Hurricane Mitch.

The pueblo was super cute, with cobblestone streets and people walking everywhere. There is a fair starting tonight, which is part of why so many people were out. We stopped to get some paletas, which are like popsicles. These were made of coconut milk, cinnamon, and raisins. We also peeked inside this old church, which was still decorated for Christmas and had a lady telling stories.

Later, on the way back to Tegucigalpa, we stopped to see a friend of Marco’s dad. They happened to grow sugar cane and cut some for us to try. It was so strange. You bite the fibrous part and suck out the juice, then spit out the fibers. The juice was super sweet, but it didn’t have any flavor, just sweetness.

Tomorrow is Maribel’s (marco’s mom) birthday. We are having lunch at a nice place then going to a cousin’s house for cake. It should be a fun day.

I keep forgetting to take pictures of the food. It is all incredible. Tomorrow is a big breakfast here at his grandparents’ house, so I will try to remember my camera before the food is all gone!



















Yesterday // Day 6

Yesterday was truly a relaxing day. We slept in, then went to see Sherlock Holmes 2 at the mall. It was so good and super cheap, about $3/person. Later we went to the gym. Marco and his brother went to lift weights, and I started shooting baskets. I ended up playing HORSE with a guy who goes to Georgia Southern and knows people from my high school. What a small world, literally!

We came back to Marco’s grandparents’ house later in the evening. Marco stayed up talking about design plans with his dad, and I went to bed early. His grandparents are having some remodeling done so it is busy here!

The only picture i took yesterday was of my coffee at the mall. You can see it on my tweet from yesterday: There is a company here called Espresso Americano, and it is the largest monopoly in all of Honduras. They grow, roast, package, and sell their coffee themselves. There is literally a coffee shop every couple of miles and on every corner in the mall. Their cup sizes are 6oz, 8oz, and 12oz is the large – which is the small size at Starbucks! The rumor is that the company has tried to go international and come to the States, but they “weren’t allowed” – my thinking is that they would shut down Starbucks! This is the best coffee I’ve tasted. Smooth, rich flavor, and perefect every time. Plus the price is incredible. Just over a dollar for the 12oz latte.

Today we are going to visit Marco’s Tio Coki’s farm. Hopefully I will have some good pictures!

